You can reserve at reception and include the boat trip in the Valli di Comacchio, the Fish Pickling Factory, MUDA and the House Museum of Remo Brindisi.
You can reserve at reception and include the boat trip in the Valli di Comacchio, the Fish Pickling Factory, MUDA and the House Museum of Remo Brindisi.
Every time that you see Comacchio on TV, beyond the bridges and canals of the historic center, you’ll see the old fishing stations.
The point of departure for the boat trip is the Foce Station that is 5 km from us and reachable by auto, by bicycle and also with a beautiful stroll of about an hour on the bank of the lagoon. Departures vary depending on the season.
The trip lasts around 1:40 and the guide is onboard (Pietro, Emanuele, Dario…and occasionally me, too) beyond describing the natural environment he will tell you about the eel fishing traditions during the sosta at the Casoni Serilla.
But the most important museum in Comacchio is MUDA, Museo del Delta Antica or the Museum of the Ancient Delta. Visit the cargo of the first Roman ship in history. Fascinating!
Warhol, Picasso, Mirò, and Modigliani are only a some of the signatures on the works that you’ll see.
Experience not bookable